CARLA accepts referrals for patients from anywhere in the U.S. who have a medical/obstetrical indication for hospital-based abortion care or require a higher-level ultrasound prior to abortion care. To refer your patient to CARLA, please send a completed CARLA Referral Form, patient records (i.e. clinic records, US/lab reports, outside records), completed Abortion Fund Release of Information, and patient insurance information via fax at 312-942-6337 or secure email to

If you have any questions or immediate needs, please call CARLA at 312-563-8680.

Provider and Patient Information Packet for Download


CARLA General Overview

CARLA-PEP General Overview

CARLA Patient Information (English and Spanish)

CARLA-PEP Patient Information (English and Spanish)

Provider Referral Form and Instructions

Abortion Fund Release of Information (English and Spanish)

Provider FAQs:

Q: Which patients are eligible for CARLA support?

A: CARLA can coordinate care for patients from anywhere in the U.S. who have a medical/obstetrical indication for hospital-based abortion care or need a higher-level ultrasound prior to abortion care and are agreeable to travel to Illinois. CARLA has funding available for patients who need assistance with travel or procedure costs. Any abortion provider can determine that a patient requires CARLA coordination. The CARLA team trusts the judgment of the referring provider. Although it is not a comprehensive list, some examples requiring hospital care are current cardiac concerns; recent seizures; unmanaged hypertension, diabetes, or thyroid issues; bleeding/clotting disorders; or abnormal placentation.

Q: What if a patient has an urgent medical or social need after hours?

A: CARLA nurses are available Monday through Friday during normal business hours and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm CST. In the event of an urgent medical or social situation outside of those hours, please encourage patients who have traveled far to wait until the CARLA nurse calls them the next morning before returning home. Should a patient require emergent care outside of CARLA hours, please advise your patient to present to the closest Emergency Department.

Q: Does CARLA coordinate care for induction terminations?

A: CARLA can coordinate care for patients who have a medical need for an induction termination and cannot receive a dilation and evacuation for medical reasons. Preference-based induction terminations do not qualify for CARLA support. However, the Chicago Abortion Fund can still assist with practical support.

Q: Does CARLA coordinate care for patients who prefer hospital-based abortion care?

A: There are patients who may have a preference for hospital-based abortion care without a medical/obstetrical indication, including patients with fetal anomalies. However, these patients do not qualify for CARLA coordination. The Chicago Abortion Fund can still assist with practical support.

Q: Can I speak to a CARLA nurse on the phone about a patient?

A: We welcome warm handoffs and are always happy to discuss any questions you may have. Please call the CARLA nurses at 312-563-8680. We still ask that you complete the referral form and send corresponding patient information via fax or secure email.

Q: How do CARLA nurses support non-English speaking patients?

A: CARLA has access to interpreter services for all languages. Please tell the patient that a CARLA nurse will call ASAP with an interpreter on the line. Please be sure to note preferred language on the CARLA referral form.