Patient FAQs

Q: What is CARLA?

A: CARLA is a confidential patient navigation program for patients who need abortion care at hospitals in Illinois. CARLA nurses help patients find hospital appointments, secure funding for the procedure, and access other related support. The CARLA program aims to reduce stress, confusion, and delay, and to ensure that every patient receives their abortion in a safe, compassionate, and timely manner.

Q: How does it work?

  1. Your healthcare provider will provide your information to the CARLA nurse.

  2. The CARLA nurse will call you to talk about your medical history and needs.

  3. Based on your answers, the nurse will help you find a hospital where you can have your abortion, help you schedule it, and connect you with financial assistance and other wraparound support to help with transportation, lodging, and other needs from organizations like the Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF).

Q: What is the Chicago Abortion Fund, and how can they help me?

A: The Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF) provides financial, logistical, and emotional support to people seeking abortion care across the country. You can find out more about them at

Q: When should I expect to receive a call from CARLA?

A: A CARLA nurse will call you within 24 hours on a business day from your healthcare provider submitting the referral. Please answer any phone calls from unknown numbers.

Q: What if I have urgent medical needs?

A: If you have urgent medical needs, please speak to your abortion provider.